
Rollback to Target version

Rollback to Target version. Specifies that Google Update should roll installations of Google Chrome Dev back to the version indicated by Target version ...

How to downgrade to an Older version of Chrome

2020年4月16日 — Go to C:-Program Files-Google-Chrome-Application. This path is little different on 64 bit versions. It will be —Program Files (x86)—- and you ...

Roll back ChromeOS to a previous version

2023年12月15日 — In the Admin console. · Navigate to Devices > Chrome > Settings > Device. · On Auto-update settings > Target version, choose the version you want.

How to rollback chrome

2024年3月21日 — If you'd like to roll back Chrome browser to a previous version, you might use the Rollback to Target version policy on Windows computers.

rollback chrome version using windows group policies

2020年5月21日 — I using Chrome (last version) for Windows and I need to rollback to 81 or 80 versions. In gpedit.msc I set two rules: rollback to target ...

How to Downgrade Chrome to Older Versions?

2024年5月15日 — Method 1: Uninstall & Download Older Chrome Versions · Uninstall Google Chrome by following the · Wipe all remaining Chrome data from your device ...

How to Revert ChromeOS Back to a Previous Installed ...

2024年5月29日 — For Rollback to target version, select Rollback OS. Click Roll back OS. Click Save. Verify that the Device is Rolled Back. You can check users' ...

Chrome Broke something, way to downgrade?

2024年4月20日 — Is there a way to downgrade chrome through PowerShell, I.E. Uninstall it and then grab and older version on the net to install. It broke one of ...


RollbacktoTargetversion.SpecifiesthatGoogleUpdateshouldrollinstallationsofGoogleChromeDevbacktotheversionindicatedbyTargetversion ...,2020年4月16日—GotoC:-ProgramFiles-Google-Chrome-Application.Thispathislittledifferenton64bitversions.Itwillbe—ProgramFiles(x86)—-andyou ...,2023年12月15日—IntheAdminconsole.·NavigatetoDevices>Chrome>Settings>Device.·OnAuto-updatesettings>Targetversio...